Dan Rickord, Mayor of Decatur

Dan Rickord, Mayor of Decatur

The mayor is responsible for the overall operation of the city government. The mayor serves for a term of four years, and the office is not subject to term limits. A person is eligible to serve as mayor if he or she has resided in the city for one year prior to the election (IC 3-1-8-26). If the mayor ceases to be a resident of the city, he or she forfeits the Office of Mayor (IC 36-4-5-2).

Mayor's Powers & Duties

  • Enforcing the Ordinances of the City and the Statutes of the State.
  • Providing any information regarding city affairs that the Common Council requests.
  • Calling special meetings of the Common Council when necessary.
  • Ensuring efficient government of the City.
  • Filling vacancies in city offices when required.
  • Signing all bonds, deeds, and contracts of the City, and all licenses issued by the City.
  • Approving or vetoing ordinances, orders, and resolutions of the legislative body (veto power is
    subject to council override and may be exercised on a line-item basis on
    appropriations measures (IC 36-4-6-16).
  • Appoint the Heads of Executive Departments, Employees of the Departments, and many, if not
    most, Board and Commission Members (IC 36-4-5-4; 36-4-9-2 and 36-4-11-2).
  • Suspend or remove officers and employees appointed by the mayor (IC 36-4-11-2).
  • Fix the salaries of all appointed officials and employees (except police, firefighters, and
    appointees of the clerk or clerk-treasurer) subject to reduction by the
    Common Council (IC 36-4-5- through 7).
  • In Third Class Cities, serve as Presiding Officer of the Council, and vote only in order to
    break a tie (IC 36-4-6-8).
  • Solemnize marriages.

Decatur Mayors Youth Council

  • In 2022 Mayor Dan Rickord started a Mayors Youth Council. 
  • The council is made up of students with outstanding character to represent the voice of the young people to the city government. The council advises the Mayor on issues relevant to youth, learn about municipal government and the importance of civic participation, as well as discuss and educate their peers on community initiatives. 
  • In 2024 they introduced the Beautification Program, which provides matching funds to enhance the exterior appearance of residentially used properties within City of Decatur limits. 


Mayor Dan Rickord
Mayor Dan Rickord


Dan Rickord


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